Canada Soccer announces new Anti-Racism Literacy and Action Workshop
New Workshop: ‘Sport is not an equal playing field: An introduction to Anti-Racism Literacy and Action’

In collaboration with the Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign, Canada Soccer will be presenting the ‘Sport is not an equal playing field: An introduction to Anti-Racism Literacy and Action’ workshop on Thursday 29 February.
This virtual interactive session is designed for all sports stakeholders and will be limited to 50 participants.
Workshop participants will gain knowledge in the following areas:
- An introductory understanding of anti-racism literacy
- The current state of racism and sport in Canada
- Skills and tools on how to be an anti-racist in sport
Workshop Information:
- 29 February 2024
- 12:00-15:00 ET
- Delivered via Zoom
Attendees must be active employees or volunteers with a Canada Soccer member association, member association district or local soccer organization within Canada. Board members and organization operation/technical soccer leaders are encouraged to participate in the workshop.
Canada Soccer invites all eligible individuals to complete the registration form before Wednesday 21 February.
The 50 approved registered individuals will be contacted on Friday 23 February and be provided with login details for the virtual workshop.
Register for the workshop by filling out this form - ‘Sport is not an equal playing field: An introduction to Anti-Racism Literacy and Action’
Black History Month:

As part of Canada Soccer’s ongoing commitment to amplify the stories of our black athletes and leaders, we are excited to share some of the iconic moments in Canada Soccer history over our social media channels throughout the month of February. This organization has been shaped by the countless contributions of our black athletes, leaders and supporters. Canada Soccer will be recognizing those who laid the foundation for future generations of black Canadians involved in soccer, as well as holding up a microphone to those with important stories to share from our black communities.
Stories can be shared to