Canada Soccer announces FIFA List of International Referees for 2024 

Canada Soccer has 17 referees represented on the FIFA List of International Referees for 2024, with the absence of one long-standing, globally regarded match official, and the addition of two first-time appointments. 

"We are proud of the referees who serve on the International panel for 2024, recognizing both the dedication and hard work that is necessary to maintain the highest level of officiating,” said Isaac Raymond, Canada Soccer Referee Department Manager. "All those who serve on the International list are a credit to our referee program and act as fantastic role models for those aspiring to develop their officiating skills." 

This year’s list sees the addition of two Canadian match officials: Referee Filip Dujic from Ontario and Assistant Referee Gérard-Kader Lebuis from Québec. 

Carol-Anne Chenard, who was the most tenured Canadian Match Official on the FIFA refereeing list with 17 years from 2006 to 2023, has retired from the FIFA list. 

"Since 2006, Carol Anne has represented Canada Soccer on the FIFA list and has paved the way for women's refereeing, not only in Canada, but throughout the world,” said Raymond. "Her professionalism, integrity, and bravery, as she navigated challenges both on and off the field, have been an inspiration to all those who have had the pleasure of coming into contact with her. Congratulations on an amazing international career."

Marie-Soleil Beaudoin becomes the most tenured Canadian Match Official on the FIFA refereeing list, having first been appointed in 2014. Joining Beaudoin (2014), Myriam Marcotte (2019) and Carly Shaw-Maclaren (2022) remain on the list as Referees, while Drew Fisher (2015) and Pierre-Luc Lauzière (2021) hold appointments as both Video Match Officials and Referees. ​ As for Assistant Referees, Marie-Han Gagnon Chretien (2015), Chantal Boudreau (2015), Melissa Snedden (2018), Stefan Tanaka-Freundt (2021), Micheal Barwegen (2018), Stéphanie Fortin (2019), Lyes Arfa (2021), Gabrielle Lemieux (2021) and Chris Wattam (2018) all make returns to the FIFA list. Chris Grabas (2018) is the sole referee on the list appointed as a Futsal Referee. 

“Our FIFA match officials represent the highest level of achievement in refereeing by showcasing themselves on and off the field to be deserving of their position on the international stage," added Raymond

This past year, Referees Marie-Soleil Beaudoin, Chantal Boudreau, Myriam Marcotte, and Video Match Officials Drew Fischer and Carol-Anne Chenard played key roles at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia/New Zealand 2023™. ​ ​ 

Canada Soccer Referees on the FIFA International List of Referees:



First Year on FIFA List ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Marie-Soleil Beaudoin 

Nova Scotia 

Referee (2014) 

Myriam Marcotte


Referee (2019) 

Carly Shaw-Maclaren 


Referee (2022)

Filip Dujic 


Referee (2024)

Drew Fischer 


Referee & Video Match Official (2015) 

Pierre-Luc Lauzière 

Québec ​

Referee & Video Match Official (2021) 

Lyes Arfa ​

Québec ​

Assistant Referee (2021) 

Micheal Barwegen 


Assistant Referee (2018) 

Chantal Boudreau 


Assistant Referee (2015) 

Stéphanie Fortin 

Québec ​ ​ 

Assistant Referee (2019) 

Marie-Han Gagnon Chretien 

Québec ​ ​ 

Assistant Referee (2015) 

Gabrielle Lemieux ​ 

Québec ​ ​ 

Assistant Referee (2021) 

Melissa Snedden

Ontario ​

Assistant Referee (2018) 

Stefan Tanaka-Freundt 

British Columbia ​ 

Assistant Referee (2021) 

Chris Wattam ​

British Columbia ​ 

Assistant Referee (2018) 

Gérard-Kader Lebuis 

Québec ​ ​ ​

Assistant Referee (2024) 

Chris Grabas 

Québec ​ ​ ​

Futsal Referee (2018)


Canada Soccer is responsible for developing and training match officials for amateur and professional competitions in Canada. In partnership with our Provincial and Territorial Associations and sanctioned professional leagues, Canada Soccer provides development and training opportunities to advance to the national list of referees and nominations to the FIFA list. 

Paulo Senra

Chief Communications & Content Officer | Chef des communications et du contenu, Canada Soccer


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